A downloadable game for Windows


- Forward: W 

- Backward: S    

- Go Left: A    

- Go right: D 


- Left mouse key

Players will automatically pick up healing items when they ream items.

The player with a shield has frontal invincibility, but the pistol has less damage. 

The player with assault rifles does more damage but has no protection. 

The game needs two people. If anyone dies, the game fails.

* Please ignore the “you” text on the player's back as it was a placeholder; removing it will cause many bugs.

** Due to a possible Internet problem, player 2 may get stuck in the loading scene. 


-Xiao Jing

-Yurui Leng

-Yuhao Song

-Jiefu Ling

-Jiacheng Sun


Ember Demo 35 MB

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